The film follows 8 young people from Lollipop as they learn to ride motorbikes. It shows the difficulties they encounter and successes they achieve. It highlights the particular challenges they face due to their hearing loss. There is also a short animation about road safety.
You can view a short excerpt from the film below:
"Lollipop have created a fantastic DVD! The film follows a group of deaf young people who show very clearly that deafness shouldn’t be a barrier to achieving anything you want to in your life. It is a wonderful resource and explains deaf awareness in a fun and informative way."Theresa Grennan,
The National Deaf Children's Society
The DVD contains versions with: subtitles; in-vision interpreting; both subtitles and in-vision interpreting.
The film was produced, filmed and edited by Simon Collins.
Mail Order Instructions:
If you would like to purchase a copy of the DVD you can do so by mail order.
Customers residing in the mainland UK:
Please send a cheque for the total amount of £12.00 (£10 + £2 P&P) to the address below. Cheques to be made payable to Lollipop (York & District). Dont forget to enclose your chosen delivery address for the order.
Your purchase will be dispatched within 10 days of receiving your order. Please allow 14 days for delivery.
Customers residing outside of the mainland UK:
Please e.mail us for postage costs, prior to placing your order.
Lollipop DVD
Lollipop (York & District)
Minster Building
c/o Door 84
84 Lowther Street
York YO31 7LX
Lollipop at the Oscars???
Just when you thought we’d finished banging on about the Lollipop deaf awareness film…!! We are really proud to announce that in spite of huge competition the digital television channel, Teachers TV, have requested our film, which will be shown a number of times over the next 2 years from May 2009 - April 2011.
The film has been renamed for the Teachers TV screenings 'Riding High - a deaf awareness film'. So make sure you get your autographs from its stars now,before they are too famous to be bothered!!!