It’s hard to believe that another year has flown past since the last newsletter and so much has happened at Lollipop. There had to be a bit of a lull in activities during the Autumn Term due to setting up the office and the need for restructuring Lollipop. Thank-you everyone, for your patience we seem to have made up for it since with lots of events, some new and some old favourites.
December saw us celebrating 5 years of Lollipop with our Festive Fun party at St. Peter’s. I’m sure everyone who attended would agree that it a fantastic time was had by all. Thanks especially to the appearance of Red Watch from Acomb Station, North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service.
January turned out to be really busy, with 2 new projects being introduced. The introduction of the Parent-Baby-Toddler Group (Lollitots) has proved popular. Up to now we have enjoyed meeting at Creepy Crawlies every other month and if numbers increase our aim is to look at a range of other activities and venues, and more frequent get-togethers. As Lollitots parents found it useful to chat to parents of older children at the visit to Monk Park Farm, it might be a good idea to also consider attending other activities such as Lolliplot and the Christmas Party – all a great way of seeing what Lollipop has to offer.
The Young People Social Club was set up on a trial basis, and although those who did attend really enjoyed it, falling numbers meant that it was not viable. As we want to provide the kind of activities members would like, it would be good to have ideas from Lollipop Members aged 12 upwards about their
preferences for activities.
We try to offer as many exciting trips as possible for everybody, and obviously some cost a lot of money, so we have aimed throughout the year at the best possible balance. Members of all ages had a great time at Quasar, the skate party. Some enjoyed a trip to Monk Park farm and of course the old favourite of F1 Racing and the unforgettable Paint-balling Bonanza!
Thankyou for the Funding
These trips have been made possible thanks to funding from Nestle Trust, employees of the York branch fund and a Grassroots grant through York & North Yorkshire Community Foundation. Luckily there is money left in the pot to give members another trip to Monk Park Farm on Saturday 12th September, and Members aged 13 and over the opportunity to take part in another brilliant trip. Look out for exact details later when the invitations will be sent to you but for now SAVE THE DATE: Sunday 13th September. Don’t miss out on this one!
Many of our usual tried and tested activities have continued over the months.
Lolliplot, our seasonal garden project has flourished. It’s been lovely to see lots of new faces down at the plot! If you haven’t yet experienced what the garden has to offer, why not come down to the BBQ on Friday 17th July 6pm-8pm, our end of term catch up. Don’t forget there are two more session after the summer holidays before the garden closes for the autumn.
Sport has attracted a lot of interest. The tennis coach at the 10 week course at Clifton Park was excellent, giving members time and attention to detail which enabled them to progress quickly and with confidence. Feedback has been really positive. Well done to all!
Older members were given the chance to attend 2 induction sessions at Oaklands Gym, with qualified instructors who were trained in deaf awareness. Eight vouchers were then on offer to each young person so that they could continue to use the gym when they wished. Also in the past we have had tag rugby and wall climbing. So which other sports would you like to see in the Lollipop programme?
Let us know please!
Drumming classes ran from February to the end of the summer term. It is a pity that more members do not realise the therapeutic and confidence building effects of this activity – some dedicated and competent musicians blossom as a result of making music together. Recently clashes with other after school activities have meant that numbers have sadly dropped to the point where the group is no longer viable.
National Deaf Awareness Week gave Lollipop a real chance to shine and do our bit for the deaf community. All those who took part in the site search in York City Centre had a very exciting (if exhausting!) day and many said they had a fantastic time. Thank-you to everyone who took part and showed that they were thinking of how to support others with hearing loss.
It’s really great to be able to announce that we have achieved our goal of offering at least one activity each month for every age group to pick from. Over 50 activities – not bad going considering the break over the Autumn. Yet again Lollipop had something for everyone – we made new friends, tried new activities, learned all sorts of things and most of all had a fabulous time.
Membership is growing – a clear sign of Lollipop’s success. Thanks must go to the deaf and hearing support teams across York and North Yorkshire and the audiology staff at the local hospitals. We are also grateful to numerous other organisations and individuals for their continuing support and encouragement. Our membership now stands at 201 children and young people, representing 98 families.
Not yet a Lollipop member?
Don’t worry it's really easy to join! Membership is open to children & young people with any degree of hearing difficulty right up to the age of 19 living in York and North Yorkshire. Membership is FREE & all activities are FREE. All you need to do is contact us at Lollipop (address overleaf) and we will send you a membership form. Alternatively you could let your Teacher of the Deaf know that you areinterested in joining Lollipop and they may kindly contact us on your behalf. Once you are on the membership list you will receive invitations for all of our fabulous up and coming activities. When you come along to the activities we will introduce you to other members.
Money, money, money.....
First of all, a huge thank-you to everyone who has contributed in any way to our fundraising. This is a vital part of the on-going success of Lollipop and very worthwhile – every little helps. Despite the fact that we receive generous support with fantastic activity grants, we are still obliged to raise all our own running
costs – and without those, the activities that you love can’t happen! Many of you took part in the Christmas card fundraising activities by helping with the making and selling of cards. You will be very pleased to know that we made a total of 500 cards and sale of 420 cards raised £378 There are some left, so let us know if you would like to buy some.
Gift Aid - it really counts!The good news is that we are now registered with Gift Aid, and this can be back dated. It’s a really easy way of ensuring that as much money as possible is raised from donations, so please consider signing up for it. Forms are available from Lollipop.
Betty's Angels
The really generous donation from Betty’s has made a huge difference to Lollipop, and we are truly indebted to them. Their financial support gives Lollipop more security and means
that we can expand our services and offer even more opportunities to hearing impaired children and their families. Betty’s were genuinely inspiring in their dedication to raising funds for Lollipop throughout 2008, showing enthusiasm and commitment to our cause. They are a superb example to us all.
So what can you do to help?
We really need to raise more funds before the new programme of activities begins in September. So how can you help with the fundraising over the summer?
Do you have any ideas?
How about:
• Holding a car boot sale
• Holding a coffee morning
• Doing a sponsored run, swim, walk
We will happily prepare paperwork for you.
• Approaching your school about doing a non-uniform day in Lollipop's favour.
• Simply saving your spare change in a Smarties tube.
• Finding a home for one of our donation canisters.
Would your local shop like to put one on their counter?
Christmas already?
This year for our Christmas card fundraising event we are hoping to make more cards than ever as the children will be creating designs which will be printed. So please be ready to support this project by encouraging your child to join in, and by buying and selling loads of the Lollipop cards. We promise we will do our best to have them ready for sale as early as possible, and preferably by the half term holidays so everyone can shop early for Christmas!
Breaking News
Lollipop at the Oscars???
Just when you thought we’d finished banging on about the Lollipop deaf awareness film…!! We are really proud to announce that in spite of huge competition the digital television channel, Teachers TV, have requested our film, which will be shown a number of times over the next 2 years. The film has been renamed for the Teachers TV screenings 'Riding High - a deaf awareness film'. So make sure you get your autographs from its stars now,
before they are too famous to be bothered!!!
On that high note, I wish you all a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you very soon. I am
looking forward to my well earned break over the summer so the office will be closed from Tuesday 21st
July until we re-open Monday 7th September.
Best Wishes
Andrea Gitsham (Chair)
Thanks also on behalf of the Trustees: Mandy Barker, Vanessa Barry, Kate Gitsham, Paul Simpson.
It’s hard to believe that another year has flown past since the last newsletter and so much has happened at Lollipop. There had to be a bit of a lull in activities during the Autumn Term due to setting up the office and the need for restructuring Lollipop. Thank-you everyone, for your patience we seem to have made up for it since with lots of events, some new and some old favourites.
December saw us celebrating 5 years of Lollipop with our Festive Fun party at St. Peter’s. I’m sure everyone who attended would agree that it a fantastic time was had by all. Thanks especially to the appearance of Red Watch from Acomb Station, North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service.
January turned out to be really busy, with 2 new projects being introduced. The introduction of the Parent-Baby-Toddler Group (Lollitots) has proved popular. Up to now we have enjoyed meeting at Creepy Crawlies every other month and if numbers increase our aim is to look at a range of other activities and venues, and more frequent get-togethers. As Lollitots parents found it useful to chat to parents of older children at the visit to Monk Park Farm, it might be a good idea to also consider attending other activities such as Lolliplot and the Christmas Party – all a great way of seeing what Lollipop has to offer.
The Young People Social Club was set up on a trial basis, and although those who did attend really enjoyed it, falling numbers meant that it was not viable. As we want to provide the kind of activities members would like, it would be good to have ideas from Lollipop Members aged 12 upwards about their
preferences for activities.
We try to offer as many exciting trips as possible for everybody, and obviously some cost a lot of money, so we have aimed throughout the year at the best possible balance. Members of all ages had a great time at Quasar, the skate party. Some enjoyed a trip to Monk Park farm and of course the old favourite of F1 Racing and the unforgettable Paint-balling Bonanza!
Thankyou for the Funding
These trips have been made possible thanks to funding from Nestle Trust, employees of the York branch fund and a Grassroots grant through York & North Yorkshire Community Foundation. Luckily there is money left in the pot to give members another trip to Monk Park Farm on Saturday 12th September, and Members aged 13 and over the opportunity to take part in another brilliant trip. Look out for exact details later when the invitations will be sent to you but for now SAVE THE DATE: Sunday 13th September. Don’t miss out on this one!
Many of our usual tried and tested activities have continued over the months.
Lolliplot, our seasonal garden project has flourished. It’s been lovely to see lots of new faces down at the plot! If you haven’t yet experienced what the garden has to offer, why not come down to the BBQ on Friday 17th July 6pm-8pm, our end of term catch up. Don’t forget there are two more session after the summer holidays before the garden closes for the autumn.
Sport has attracted a lot of interest. The tennis coach at the 10 week course at Clifton Park was excellent, giving members time and attention to detail which enabled them to progress quickly and with confidence. Feedback has been really positive. Well done to all!
Older members were given the chance to attend 2 induction sessions at Oaklands Gym, with qualified instructors who were trained in deaf awareness. Eight vouchers were then on offer to each young person so that they could continue to use the gym when they wished. Also in the past we have had tag rugby and wall climbing. So which other sports would you like to see in the Lollipop programme?
Let us know please!
Drumming classes ran from February to the end of the summer term. It is a pity that more members do not realise the therapeutic and confidence building effects of this activity – some dedicated and competent musicians blossom as a result of making music together. Recently clashes with other after school activities have meant that numbers have sadly dropped to the point where the group is no longer viable.
National Deaf Awareness Week gave Lollipop a real chance to shine and do our bit for the deaf community. All those who took part in the site search in York City Centre had a very exciting (if exhausting!) day and many said they had a fantastic time. Thank-you to everyone who took part and showed that they were thinking of how to support others with hearing loss.
It’s really great to be able to announce that we have achieved our goal of offering at least one activity each month for every age group to pick from. Over 50 activities – not bad going considering the break over the Autumn. Yet again Lollipop had something for everyone – we made new friends, tried new activities, learned all sorts of things and most of all had a fabulous time.
Membership is growing – a clear sign of Lollipop’s success. Thanks must go to the deaf and hearing support teams across York and North Yorkshire and the audiology staff at the local hospitals. We are also grateful to numerous other organisations and individuals for their continuing support and encouragement. Our membership now stands at 201 children and young people, representing 98 families.
Not yet a Lollipop member?
Don’t worry it's really easy to join! Membership is open to children & young people with any degree of hearing difficulty right up to the age of 19 living in York and North Yorkshire. Membership is FREE & all activities are FREE. All you need to do is contact us at Lollipop (address overleaf) and we will send you a membership form. Alternatively you could let your Teacher of the Deaf know that you areinterested in joining Lollipop and they may kindly contact us on your behalf. Once you are on the membership list you will receive invitations for all of our fabulous up and coming activities. When you come along to the activities we will introduce you to other members.
Money, money, money.....
First of all, a huge thank-you to everyone who has contributed in any way to our fundraising. This is a vital part of the on-going success of Lollipop and very worthwhile – every little helps. Despite the fact that we receive generous support with fantastic activity grants, we are still obliged to raise all our own running
costs – and without those, the activities that you love can’t happen! Many of you took part in the Christmas card fundraising activities by helping with the making and selling of cards. You will be very pleased to know that we made a total of 500 cards and sale of 420 cards raised £378 There are some left, so let us know if you would like to buy some.
Gift Aid - it really counts!The good news is that we are now registered with Gift Aid, and this can be back dated. It’s a really easy way of ensuring that as much money as possible is raised from donations, so please consider signing up for it. Forms are available from Lollipop.
Betty's Angels
The really generous donation from Betty’s has made a huge difference to Lollipop, and we are truly indebted to them. Their financial support gives Lollipop more security and means
that we can expand our services and offer even more opportunities to hearing impaired children and their families. Betty’s were genuinely inspiring in their dedication to raising funds for Lollipop throughout 2008, showing enthusiasm and commitment to our cause. They are a superb example to us all.
So what can you do to help?
We really need to raise more funds before the new programme of activities begins in September. So how can you help with the fundraising over the summer?
Do you have any ideas?
How about:
• Holding a car boot sale
• Holding a coffee morning
• Doing a sponsored run, swim, walk
We will happily prepare paperwork for you.
• Approaching your school about doing a non-uniform day in Lollipop's favour.
• Simply saving your spare change in a Smarties tube.
• Finding a home for one of our donation canisters.
Would your local shop like to put one on their counter?
Christmas already?
This year for our Christmas card fundraising event we are hoping to make more cards than ever as the children will be creating designs which will be printed. So please be ready to support this project by encouraging your child to join in, and by buying and selling loads of the Lollipop cards. We promise we will do our best to have them ready for sale as early as possible, and preferably by the half term holidays so everyone can shop early for Christmas!
Breaking News
Lollipop at the Oscars???
Just when you thought we’d finished banging on about the Lollipop deaf awareness film…!! We are really proud to announce that in spite of huge competition the digital television channel, Teachers TV, have requested our film, which will be shown a number of times over the next 2 years. The film has been renamed for the Teachers TV screenings 'Riding High - a deaf awareness film'. So make sure you get your autographs from its stars now,
before they are too famous to be bothered!!!
On that high note, I wish you all a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you very soon. I am
looking forward to my well earned break over the summer so the office will be closed from Tuesday 21st
July until we re-open Monday 7th September.
Best Wishes
Andrea Gitsham (Chair)
Thanks also on behalf of the Trustees: Mandy Barker, Vanessa Barry, Kate Gitsham, Paul Simpson.